Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January 4, 1643-February 4, 2001

Newton assures me I can't fall forever.
Nearby in my own Milky Way
there are several stellar-mass black holes.
but there is a supermassive one in Sagittarius A*.

Nearby in my own Milky Way
a lucid cricket is sounding,
but there is a supermassive one in Sagittarius A*.
I'm sitting on a couch in a room.

A lucid cricket is sounding,
incongruent and maniacal, atop the wormwood.
I'm sitting on a couch in a room
with Xenakis on the record player.

Incongruent and maniacal, atop the wormwood,
there are several stellar-mass black holes.
With Xenakis on the record player,
Newton assures me I can't fall forever.